Friday, September 3, 2010

Birthday Girl

To start, I will finish the story from yesterday's post, On This Day.  My doctor did not return to my room until about 12:30 am, and it was definitely past time by that point.  Just 8 minutes later at 12:43 am, Eleanor Lynn Pugh arrived in this world.  When I first saw her I cried.  She was a beautiful little girl, just like the ultrasound showed (that always amazes me).  She wouldn't cry or make a sound.  The nurses poked and prodded her until she cried.  She weighed 7 pounds and 13 ounces and was 19 inches long.  So beautiful.  

We have visitors at the moment, so I won't write a diatribe on our day today, but here is our day in pictures.  Happy Birthday to Ella!!

She got her own Wii remote.

Dinner at McDonald's

Cake made by T

New pajamas bought with some of her birthday money

We had a pretty quiet day at home.  Ella got Wii Play and a kid's edition of Rummikub.  She also got Bee Movie, which she loves.  She's been getting cards in the mail all week (thank you grandparents and great-grandparents!), so she is stocked up with birthday money.  We went to Wal-Mart before the couple's Bible study tonight and bought Ella supper and ice cream at McDonald's.  She bought a few things with her birthday money:  Dora p.j.'s, a Play-Doh ice cream set, a Princess puzzle book, and a pinwheel.  Then we went to Bible Study and she got to play with several friends from church and eat cake.  I think she had a really great day, and I am looking forward to celebrating more at her party on Monday night.


  1. What a fun day! You girls are so beautiful - I love the Mother/Daughter pics. I enjoyed all of these fun photos. So glad we got to see you guys tonight and celebrate a bit. Looking forward to Monday :) Happy Birthday, Ella! (Sounds like you got some fun things with your cash:)
